In 8 months, Lord willing I will be traveling thousands of miles across oceans. I will be sitting on a plane staring out at the big blue sky. Staring out at clouds far below me. Dreaming. Wishing. Hoping. In 8 months, I will be on my way to Nairobi Kenya. To spend time with some precious children. Children who I have dreamed of holding and playing with. Children who have nothing. No parents. No belongings. Some have little hope. Some have joy and others pain. I want to share with these children the greatest hope and the greatest joy. I want to share with these children the hope and joy found only in Jesus. I don't know what to expect when I get there. But I do know that Jesus is going to be right there beside me. Smiling down on the little ones He so dearly loves. Smiling down on me.
You don't have to travel thousands of miles. You don't have to hop continents. You don't even have to drive anywhere far. Can you reflect Jesus' love to a child. Can you show a child that you truly love them. Jesus tells us in Matthew 19:4 "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."
Have a wonderful weekend and a fun and safe 4th of July! God bless!