10 weeks! Wow! In 10 weeks, Lord willing, I will be flying thousands of miles out of the country I have lived in all my life and for 3 months live in a very different country. A different continent! I will spend these 3 months with over 87 children. I will learn to speak Spanish (hopefully), smile and learn new names, try new foods, conquer "Death Road", take cold showers, climb mountains, splash in mud puddles, hug children, grow closer to God, see His grace EVERY day I am gone, dream in Spanish :), laugh, cry, learn and love.

I will definitely post the long story of how God has lead me to Bolivia. It is cool to see His faithfulness and sovereign plan for me. I am excited to start this amazing adventure and so thankful for everyone who will be praying along the way. :) As I said, this blog could get a whole lot more exciting in the next few weeks and months!