HERE IN BOLIVIA!!! We got here safe and sound and had no problems at all! I've been super busy with spanish classes, getting to know and love on the kids here, eating Bolivian food (yummy), and sleeping :)
Some of the highlights so far...
-conquering death road and LOVING it! Seriously the most beautiful thing I've ever seen and I didn't want it to end!
-swimming in a river
-looking into my bowl of soup and there being a chicken foot. Complete with claws. And still eating it.
-hanging out with Chuno the dog
-helping kids with their Tarea (homework)
-singing familiar worship songs in Spanish
-the AMAZING food (minus the chicken foot of course)
-doing devotions on top of a mountain
-cold showers in the hot afternoons
-craving chocolate chip cookies and getting them in the same week! YES!!! I crave chocolate here!
-Getting COVERED by tiny bug bites but having melaluca oil that makes them disappear
-cuddling little kids and kissing fuzzy heads
-hearing every little voice call me "Hermana, Hermana!" which is sister in Spanish
-seeing some crazy amazing bugs
-water balloon fights our first week with the boys at Casa and getting nailed multiple times :)
-beauty EVERYWHERE you look. Everywhere are mountains and different colors of green and countless trees and fruit and flowers.
-learning Spanish and laughing at myself when I completely mess things up :)
-listening to hundreds of crickets and birds as I fall asleep and wake up
-warmth. It's so warm here!
-learning how to pray in Spanish
I am so thankful for all your prayers and love! So thankful for where God has me today!
Lily's kids
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
And just like that...
Tomorrow... I feel like it came out of nowhere yet I've been waiting a lifetime for tomorrow. I'm ready to get there. Ready to start. Sad to leave home but excited for this next step in my life.
Please be praying for...
*No complications with check in, flights, baggage
*Getting our visa's
*Safe travels both flights and death road (google it if you wanna see where we will be driving)
*Joy in Christ and opportunities to share the gospel on the plane
May God be glorified and exalted.
He is faithful!
My next post will be from Bolivia!!!
See you soon!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Because He won't leave me
2 days until Bolivia! It has come so fast!
There are so many words to describe what I'm feeling
and I'm overwhelmed with a tidal wave of emotions.
But the one and only thing I can cling to is that God
is with me throughout all of this. He won't leave me.
Someone gave me a card with this verse in it...
"See what kind of love the Father has given us, that we
should be called children of God; and so we are!"
~1 John 3:1-3
I am loved! Despite how much I have to do, or how
excited I am to go see these children, or how sad I am
to leave my family, church and friends behind for 3
months, I know beyond know that I am loved.
I will fear no evil. for my God is with me. And if my
God is with me, whom then shall I fear?
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Because of Christ
Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?”
And I said, “Here am I. Send me!”
Isaiah 6:8
This is my prayer. "Here am I God! I am a sinner. Imperfect. Fearful. Selfish. I am not powerful. I am not rich. I am not strong. I am in need of You."
And Jesus answers. "I am Your God. I rescued you from your sin. I AM. I am perfect. I am over all. I gave my life for you. I am powerful. I am king over all. I am strong. I love you. I see you as my daughter. I deserve all glory. Go and tell the world of this great love that I have."
This makes my heart rejoice! It is nothing I bring to the table. It is all Christ! It is all His grace and love in my life. I am nothing, BUT GOD! Ephesians 2.
So here I go, not in my own strength but in Christ's strength. I pray that this blog wouldn't be about me, but about lifting up Christ's glorious name and that the stories I share here would bring Him glory. That we would marvel at His love and beauty.
This time next week I will be in Bolivia. In the mountains with 80+ orphans. And God will be at work. Because what He has started, He will finish. I know this because He promised. And God is faithful. Praise His HOLY name!
Monday, February 6, 2012
I spy with my little eye... a TARANTULA!?
Only 9 days! Where is the time flying away to?
Maybe I'll get to see some of these little guys...
Or Maybe not so much for some of them...

Tarantula!! |
Or Maybe not so much for some of them...
Hooray for my computer not letting me post this in a normal way... oh well!
I really really really wouldn't mind seeing these cute little guys though! Have a blessed day! ~Lily |
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