Magnificent Mornings...
Getting sleepy face morning hugs each morning from Peniel.
Watching the sun rise slowly over the mountains.
Serving breakfast with 3 little boys trying to help.
Reminding them all to DO THEIR CHORES!
Checking backpacks, uniforms, brushed teeth, shirts tucked in, polished shoes, and clean faces before sending them off to school.
Hearing Juanes tell me “Do you know what Tia Lily? I love you!”
Listening to music and sweeping, mopping and cleaning the house.
Washing clothes by hand.
Helping out with homework and drawing borders for Jhoselin on all her homework.
Heading up to lunch with Juanes always carrying the cups. Always.
Awesome Afternoons...
Supervising Brayan and Miguel as they wash and dry the dishes.
Shaking my head at the amount of water on the floor after the dishes are washed. :)
Washing school uniforms and checking to see if the boys washed their socks.
Rewashing socks.
Homework time! For a loooong time. Oh those boys are distracted.
Sitting out on the porch in the sunshine with the other Tia.
Laughing and talking and getting lots of hugs and kisses from Peniel.
Waiting for the bus to come up with the kids who go to school in the afternoons.
Exciting Evenings...
More uniforms to wash.
Heating up the soup for dinner.
Hearing all the exciting news from school. :)
Giving shampoo to small dark heads.
Bathing Juanes and Peniel in the big sink and hearing them giggle as they rinse with cold water.
Seeing the beautiful sunsets each day.
Dinner and clean up. More dishes to wash.
PJs, brushed teeth, bathroom trips and bed time.