I started out by working in the Guarderia where I was in charge of a preschool program for all the little kids every morning. We worked on the alphabet, numbers, days of the week, singing songs and playing. It was lots of fun and I loved working with all the little guys. Soooo cute!
Group from the Guarderia |
Then when summer vacation started I got put in charge of the summer program. This was definitely a LOT of work. Finding a fun activity to do EVERY day for 50+ kids of all ages was tough. But we had fun and made it through the summer. Pizza, basketball and football competitions, movie nights, walks to waterfalls, craft and game days, swimming in the pool, walks through the mountains, biking, home made slip-and-slide... the list went on. Lost patience sometimes and ended up losing my voice more than once but God was gracious. Was also super blessed by a couple from Holland who helped me out and gave me lots of fun ideas!
Walking with Jacob to the waterfalls |
Pool time! |
Also during summer vacation we had a Bible Study. My group (much to my surprise) was a bunch of 13 and 14 year old boys. Needless to say it was interesting but we had some very cool conversations. God is at work in these boys hearts.
Devotional group with my boys |
In December, I ended up moving full time into house #4 to learn how to be Tia. I learned a TON!!! Lots of fun and lots of work. I was there for a month and spent Christmas there. Our house won the decorating competition and we got 2 chickens and 2 coca-colas and the kids were so excited.
Hanging with Roy in 4 |
Early January, I ended up moving to house #3 to be the ONLY Tia there. 8 little kids ages 1-15. Craziness. But I was super excited to be little Peniel's tia. As Tia, I am in charge of waking everyone up, getting breakfast made, chores done, house cleaned and getting the kiddos off to school on time in their uniform. Mornings are pretty crazy. Afternoons are spent doing homework and keeping the house clean. I spent 3 months in house #3 and fell in love with the kids. Another Tia ended up moving in with me which was a huge blessing and we worked super well together.
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Some of my little guys in 3 Miguel Angel, Peniel and Juanes |
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Peniel rockin' her shades |
With my sweet, precious angel Peniel |
After 3 months in house #3 I got moved to house #5 when the Tia there ended up leaving. So once again I was working alone with 8 kids but this time ages 5-15. Really fun group of kids and lots of late night talks with the older kids. Loved the view from my house and being with little Jacob and David. Lots of laughs!
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With Jazmin, David and Jacob in 5 |
My groupies in 5 Isaac, Raquel, Juan Gabriel, Jazmin, Josue, David, Jacob and Sara |
David, Josue and Jacob |
During my last month, there ended up being one more switch. The directors decided to move all the little kids into one house. So I ended up being in the little kid house along side another tia. 8 little kiddos all under the age of 5 and also the Tia's 2 year old daughter. Lots of craziness but so adorable. Really loved being with all the little guys. So many hugs and kisses and hearing "I love you Tia Lily" every day just melted my heart.
David, Lizbet, Elisabet and Ismael |
With Tia Elsa, Diana, Febe, David, Juanes, Elisabet, Javier, Peniel, Ismael and Andres |
Breakfast with the little guys before church |
I had so many incredible moments in Bolivia. Learned so much. God is so good and has completely blessed me with a second Bolivian family and so many bolivian kiddos who are so dear to my heart. I have made so many friends and been blessed to get to know the Tias who work at Casa de Esperanza. A few highlights...
*Being a Tia and working, actually working, each and every moment with these kids
*Having one of the Tias name her daughter after me. Sweet baby Lily
Baby Lily |
* amazingly beautiful Bolivian night skies
*Riding down to town in the back of a truck with all the kids
*Amazingly delicious bolivian food
*Death road!!! So crazy beautiful
*Hugs and kisses, tiny hands in mine and hearing "Tia Lily"
* All my names (post coming soon)
God is so good to me.
I have spent over a year of my life in Bolivia. Left my heart there. Heading back in August to spend another year with my beautiful Bolivian children. So excited to see God continue to work in and through me there. Lots more information coming soon but am amazed at how God continues to open up doors. Home for a few months to recharge and rest and will be able to share lots of stories and pictures!!! Lots of love!!!