On the few days I get off, I always try to write but end up falling asleep… raising kids is tiring! All moms are my official heroes because it is a 24/7 job that never ends. But what a joy it is.
This past week we ended up all moving into a different house that is closer to the sala where we eat lunch and away from the pool. It was exhausting! I didn't sit down until I went to bed at 1 in the morning.
I have been so encouraged these past few weeks by God's grace and faithfulness. So many times I rely on my own strength and fail. But when I turn my eyes towards God's love and perfect plan, I can rest. Sometimes I don't understand why things have to be so difficult. But I know that ALL things work together for good because God's plan is good.
Right now I am living with a Tia who is hurting. She has a very difficult past and her current home situation is very difficult and sometimes even dangerous. She is hurting and angry and doesn't understand. My heart aches for her to know God's love for her and to find rest in His strong arms. Last week I pulled her into my arms as we sat on the floor and just prayed over her as she cried. Prayer for grace and peace in a heart that is hurting and has deep scars. Only God can heal. And He does heal!
I have seen His healing love time and time again. Oh the beauty of God's love.
We have been talking about the gospel in our devotions every night with my little ones. One of the little three year olds was broken over the fact that Jesus had nails driven through his hands. Owies for little ones are very important. They hurt and they remember them for several days and will show me their owies until they are completely healed. Every night, little Aaron reminds me to tell him about Jesus' hands with the nails in them and how there was blood and it made my heart break. I forget that Jesus hurt for me. That His hands bled and he had nails pounded through them because of His great love for me. And that by His blood, I am healed. I can't forget. I don't want to forget. Because by His bloody hands, I am healed and have life!
When I am hurting, He pulls me into His arms and comforts me. It's beautiful. It's painful but God is good and has defeated death. And I look forward to spending eternity with Him where no more tears will be shed and there will be perfect peace and joy.
Thank you all for your prayers and encouragement and support! God is faithful and so wonderful!
BLessings from Bolivia!!!
~Lily Flu