In 2008 I traveled to Jamaica to a Children's home called Robin's Nest.
I had an amazing time and the kids were awesome and a blast to be
around. While I was there, I met a 5 year old girl named Shantara.
Shantara had CP and couldn't talk or move her own body. The only
way she could communicate was through her eyes and she had
beautiful eyes. A couple months after I returned home I found out
that Shantara had passed away from complications from the flu. This
beautiful little girl is now running and playing and singing with Jesus.
One of my favorite memories is singing to Shantara about how we
are happy all the day because of Jesus. She started crying while me and
my mom loved on her and that moment is ingrained in my mind. That
a little girl would cry about being happy in Jesus just blew my mind.
Shantara is the most beautiful girl I have ever met, inside and out.
God bless!
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