"The Lord kept saying within me, 'Since none better qualified can be got, rise and offer yourself!' Almost overpowering was the impulse to answer aloud, 'Here am I, send me.' But I was dreadfully afraid of mistaking my here human emotions for the will of God. So I resolved to make it a subject of close deliberation and prayer for a few days longer, and to look at the proposal from every possible aspect. Besides, I was keenly solicitous about the effect upon the hundreds of young people and others, now attached to all my classes and meetings; and yet I felt a growing assurance that this was the call of God to His servant, and that He who was willing to employ me in the work abroad, was both able and willing to provide for the on-carrying of my work at home." ~John Paton
Happy new year! So excited to see what God does in this
coming year. So incredibly blessed. Such grace that God
continues to draw us deeper and deeper into His glories
every day.
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