Lily's kids

Lily's kids

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Almost 2 months

It's almost been 2 months back here in Bolivia which is crazy! In LaPaz this week for hopefully the last time! My passport is STAMPED with permission to stay in Bolivia for 1 year! Have one last thing to do tomorrow before I head back to Caranavi. I've been really blessed with an amazing bolivian friend helping me out and driving and helping translate and a great lawyer who knows what he is doing!

Even being away from the kids for 3 days, I miss them like crazy right now! Which makes me laugh cuz I'll see them this weekend.

It's crazy to think that by this time on my last trip, my time was almost up and now I am just getting started and still have LOTS more time to love on these kids and learn and LAUGH! Amazed by God's goodness!

I'm super excited because in a month or so there's gonna be giant flying ants for like 3 days. And in those 3 days you catch as many as you can and break off their heads, cook them up and eat them. :) And I am really excited to try it! I will definitely put up pictures when they come!

Seen some pretty crazy bugs. Some of them are HUGE! There's giant moths bigger than my hands, the other day there was a huge bug as long as my fist with HUGE pinchers. And lots and lots of little tiny bugs that you can never find until after they bite you. Thank goodness for bug repellent.

Lots of love! God bless!

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