2013 has been a year that I can't even find words to explain.
It's been a year where I have grown so much in my walk with God.
It has been a year where I have learned to trust Him with each moment and each day.
It has been a year where I have become a Tia to 10 little ones.
It has been a year living in green mountains and sunshine.
It has been a year where I have laughed at my mistakes and grown from them.
It has been a year where I have learned to forgive and move on and keep loving.
It has been a year where I have seen so much of myself and seen so much of God's grace.
It has been a year of delicious bolivian food.
It has been a year of missing my family.
It has been a year of continuing to work on Spanish ;)
It has been a year of wonderful friends.
It has been a year where God continues to ask me to trust Him.
It has been a year where I look back and smile.
It has been a year of laughter, tears, smiles, joy, and love.
It has been a year of tucking little ones into bed and whispering "I love you".
It has been a year of cleaning and re-cleaning and washing clothes by hand.
It has been a year of HARD work.
It has been an adventure.
I am so amazed at how God has shown His love to me this year. He has grown me, changed me and continues to do so. Praise HIM! I do not deserve His love and grace but am so thankful for it each new day.
2013 has flown by.
Coming back to Bolivia, becoming a full time Tia, Having little Lily named after me and being her "god-mother", trips to waterfalls and rivers, pizza with all the kids, having all the little ones move into my home, 2 months in the States with my wonderful family, being a missionary with Cup of Cold Water Ministries, coming back to Bolivia for the 3rd time, my second Christmas with the kids and seeing God work miracles.
So much has happened in this past year and I give ALL glory to Christ! All that I write, I write to point to HIM. We are sojourners in this land. How quickly the time passes.
I am so excited to see God work in this new year. 2014. I pray that each day would be for Christ. That God would work in this family of Casa de Esperanza. That God would continue to grow me and strengthen me in Him.
Thank you all so much for your love, prayers and support for myself and also for the children here. They are too precious to be ignored.
Sending so much love from all of us to you!
In Christ Jesus,
Lily Fluharty
and also...
Betty, Febe, Andres, David, Ely, Ismael, Javier, Juanes, Peniel and July
Lily's kids
Sunday, December 29, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas!!! What a wonderful Christmas we had with all the children and staff. It was such an amazing time to celebrate Christ's birth and to be together with the entire family of Casa de Esperanza.
God works in amazing ways and truly provided for the kids this year in a miraculous way. There was no money for 150 Christmas gifts needed for all the children, staff and graduated kids who returned to celebrate. But God is bigger than budgets and the large amount of money needed and blew me away as He provided through my church with double the amount needed. God is bigger than my doubts and my limited expectations! Praise Him!
All the children opened up their presents with HUGE smiles on their faces. All the little ones received toy cars and animals, the boys received awesome new skateboards which they are putting to good use (I have almost gotten ran over too many times to count) and the older girls got new towels and waterproof watches. Lots of smiles and laughter on Christmas night.
Some of the highlights...
*The boys waking up early Christmas morning going, "Tia Lily! It's Christmas!!!"
*Javier eating his "potato juice" as he called it (mashed potatoes)
*Peniel carrying her present with the BIGGEST smile on her face
*Watching all the boys MASTER their skateboards
Huge thank you for everyone who donated for the children's Christmas gifts. It is such a blessing and I am so encouraged and humbled to see God blow our prayer out of the water and provide double of what was needed. Thank you!
Much love from Bolivia and sending lots of hugs and kisses from the little ones.
In Christ Jesus,
Lily Fluharty
God works in amazing ways and truly provided for the kids this year in a miraculous way. There was no money for 150 Christmas gifts needed for all the children, staff and graduated kids who returned to celebrate. But God is bigger than budgets and the large amount of money needed and blew me away as He provided through my church with double the amount needed. God is bigger than my doubts and my limited expectations! Praise Him!
All the children opened up their presents with HUGE smiles on their faces. All the little ones received toy cars and animals, the boys received awesome new skateboards which they are putting to good use (I have almost gotten ran over too many times to count) and the older girls got new towels and waterproof watches. Lots of smiles and laughter on Christmas night.
Some of the highlights...
*The boys waking up early Christmas morning going, "Tia Lily! It's Christmas!!!"
*Javier eating his "potato juice" as he called it (mashed potatoes)
*Peniel carrying her present with the BIGGEST smile on her face
*Watching all the boys MASTER their skateboards
Huge thank you for everyone who donated for the children's Christmas gifts. It is such a blessing and I am so encouraged and humbled to see God blow our prayer out of the water and provide double of what was needed. Thank you!
Much love from Bolivia and sending lots of hugs and kisses from the little ones.
In Christ Jesus,
Lily Fluharty
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Journal entries 2
11/7/13 David is in the kitchen dancing and drinking hot chocolate and my heart pretty much just exploded as I watched him sing. All the good moments, hard moments- I will treasure forever.
11/8/13 For the Least of these
I am told to love them and care for them
To leave my parents and sisters for them
To work each day until I fall into bed exhausted
To love until my heart explodes
To continue learning
To make mistakes and by God's grace learn from them
To give up comfort
To be under constant pressure
To forgive
To teach
To hug and kiss
To sing, praise and pray
I am called to serve them
I am called to live for Christ
I am called and by God's grace I hear
By God's grace I answer yes
Once again the lights went out tonight during dinner which results in screaming kids grabbing for me.
11/12/13 God- Take all that I am because nothing matters at all in comparison to you. It has been a very difficult few weeks. But you answered and proved your faithfulness and love over and over. Oh God use me how you choose and change me more and more into your likeness. I need you. I want more of you. I adore you. Open my eyes and my heart. Let me see my sin and hate it. Let me see more of you and give me grace. Thank you for your forgiveness. Humble my proud heart, gentle my stubborn spirit, quiet my frustrations. Give me joy each new morning and let my song be in you alone.
11/13/13 Just heard Andres say, "David, come and look! My pee isn't white, it's another color!"
11/16/13 2 Choronicles 16:9- " For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him." New favorite verse. The Lord gives me strong support! I want to trust Him with my ALL. I want a heart that desires Him alone.
11/18/13 This evening we put on the music "If your happy and yo know it... SCREAM!" and Eli and Febe were definitely happy because their screams hurt my hears. Eli has the LOUDEST and most screeching/ blood curdeling scream ever. She has the perfect scream to drive me crazy.
11/19/13 Beautiful morning. There is absolutely nothing like the sunrise in mountains. Doing battle with Febe this morning who is a sloth. Love this part of the song "I know that you are for me. I know that you will never forsake me in my weaknesses." What a beautiful promise. The Lord is on my side!
11/20/13 Actually slept really good last night which was amazing. But Peniel woke up four times screaming and pretty sure she was having bad dreams. Gonna wake up the troops in a few minutes. It's always so weird reading my journal from one year ago. The time passes so quickly and I am so glad that God continues to lead me and bless my time here at Casa de Esperanza. When I first came to Bolivia almost two years ago, I never imagined myself sitting here in my home with ten kiddos and being able to speak fluent Spanish, with a little baby named after me and so many kids etched deep into my heart. God works in mighty ways and changed my ticket from Africa to Bolivia because His plan is perfect. He put me in this house of little ones for a reason.
11/22/13 "Whatever you do for Christ, throw your whole soul into it" -Charles Spurgeon
I love that quote. There are times when I am exhausted but I know God has called me here to live and love. I am so forgetful that my strength comes from God. I can't do this on my own. I need my sweet Jesus. I am so blessed by my life here and my little ones and my big ones and my friends here. Oh how I love Bolivia.
12/3/13 Sitting here writing and Andres is hanging with me. "You can go play" I told him. "No, I want to be with you!" he told me. Oh he melts my heart. "Are you tired?" he asked me and when I told him, "No, I just have a headache." Andres looked at me really worried, "Oh, did you hit your head against the wall?" Made me laugh out loud. "No, it just is hurting."
12/5/13 Today there was a mini hurricane and the giant tree in front of my house blew down. After the wind died down Andres walked out to the porch and listened to the rain and the thunder in the distance and raised his arms out and moved his fingers like a music conductor as he yelled "Boys and girls, PRAISE THE LORD!"
12/8/13 "Come, my soul, pluck up courage, and put down thy feet in the blood-marked footprints which thy Lord has left thee." C.H. Spurgeon
11/8/13 For the Least of these
I am told to love them and care for them
To leave my parents and sisters for them
To work each day until I fall into bed exhausted
To love until my heart explodes
To continue learning
To make mistakes and by God's grace learn from them
To give up comfort
To be under constant pressure
To forgive
To teach
To hug and kiss
To sing, praise and pray
I am called to serve them
I am called to live for Christ
I am called and by God's grace I hear
By God's grace I answer yes
Once again the lights went out tonight during dinner which results in screaming kids grabbing for me.
11/12/13 God- Take all that I am because nothing matters at all in comparison to you. It has been a very difficult few weeks. But you answered and proved your faithfulness and love over and over. Oh God use me how you choose and change me more and more into your likeness. I need you. I want more of you. I adore you. Open my eyes and my heart. Let me see my sin and hate it. Let me see more of you and give me grace. Thank you for your forgiveness. Humble my proud heart, gentle my stubborn spirit, quiet my frustrations. Give me joy each new morning and let my song be in you alone.
11/13/13 Just heard Andres say, "David, come and look! My pee isn't white, it's another color!"
11/16/13 2 Choronicles 16:9- " For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him." New favorite verse. The Lord gives me strong support! I want to trust Him with my ALL. I want a heart that desires Him alone.
11/18/13 This evening we put on the music "If your happy and yo know it... SCREAM!" and Eli and Febe were definitely happy because their screams hurt my hears. Eli has the LOUDEST and most screeching/ blood curdeling scream ever. She has the perfect scream to drive me crazy.
11/19/13 Beautiful morning. There is absolutely nothing like the sunrise in mountains. Doing battle with Febe this morning who is a sloth. Love this part of the song "I know that you are for me. I know that you will never forsake me in my weaknesses." What a beautiful promise. The Lord is on my side!
11/20/13 Actually slept really good last night which was amazing. But Peniel woke up four times screaming and pretty sure she was having bad dreams. Gonna wake up the troops in a few minutes. It's always so weird reading my journal from one year ago. The time passes so quickly and I am so glad that God continues to lead me and bless my time here at Casa de Esperanza. When I first came to Bolivia almost two years ago, I never imagined myself sitting here in my home with ten kiddos and being able to speak fluent Spanish, with a little baby named after me and so many kids etched deep into my heart. God works in mighty ways and changed my ticket from Africa to Bolivia because His plan is perfect. He put me in this house of little ones for a reason.
11/22/13 "Whatever you do for Christ, throw your whole soul into it" -Charles Spurgeon
I love that quote. There are times when I am exhausted but I know God has called me here to live and love. I am so forgetful that my strength comes from God. I can't do this on my own. I need my sweet Jesus. I am so blessed by my life here and my little ones and my big ones and my friends here. Oh how I love Bolivia.
12/3/13 Sitting here writing and Andres is hanging with me. "You can go play" I told him. "No, I want to be with you!" he told me. Oh he melts my heart. "Are you tired?" he asked me and when I told him, "No, I just have a headache." Andres looked at me really worried, "Oh, did you hit your head against the wall?" Made me laugh out loud. "No, it just is hurting."
12/5/13 Today there was a mini hurricane and the giant tree in front of my house blew down. After the wind died down Andres walked out to the porch and listened to the rain and the thunder in the distance and raised his arms out and moved his fingers like a music conductor as he yelled "Boys and girls, PRAISE THE LORD!"
12/8/13 "Come, my soul, pluck up courage, and put down thy feet in the blood-marked footprints which thy Lord has left thee." C.H. Spurgeon
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Journal entries part 1
Excerpts from my daily journal... raising 10 kids can be crazy sometimes...
10/9/13 I had about a million plates to wash and the house to clean. This morning we slept in a little bit (It's 6:50) which felt so good. Gonna give the kids deworming medication and I'm not looking forward to finding worms in July's basin. Here we go...
10/10/13 Heading to La Paz on Sunday for my visa and were going to stay at Hotel Presidente which totally blessed my socks off which also means... BACON! I could cry from being so happy.
10/17/13 Sometimes I get scared to pray the prayer of "Shatter my expectations." But I know God has greater things for me than I could ever expect let alone imagine. So I pray that God will shatter my expectations and explode my heart with himself and His glory. I am so in need of my Savior. I fail daily and I don't have strength. I am of little fiath. I praise God my salvation has nothing to do with me and everything to do with my Jesus. I am broken and needy. But God loves me and sees me as precious. How amazing this beautiful grace. I am undone by it because I continue to fall short and God continues to forgive and love me.
10/18/13 Andres, Javier, Juanes and Ismael came into my room and all fell asleep with me in my bed. So adorable. Oh I loved that feeling of little ones all piled up.
10/22/13 It rained super hard last night which I absolutely loooove sleeping to. So amazingly beuatiful. Only July wet the bed last night which is awesome.
10/23/13 Woke up this morning singing praise. Oh how beautiful is my Savior and how in need of Him I am. Oh praise His holy name. Now to get Febe to finish her oatmeal in time for school. Let the breakfast war begin.
10/24/13 4 kids who didn't want to obey. A screaming Eli, July who didn't want to eat breakfast, Javier who threw his full cup of oatmeal against the wall and Juanes who got soaked playing with water. It was a few minutes of chaos.
10/25/13 Good morning until Andres pooped all over the floor. Grody. Still raining and I feel like Pooh bear keeping his honeypots dry but I'm keeping 10 kids dry and clothes from getting muddy.
10/30/13 Just woke up Febe and every morning the first thing she does is wrap her arms around my neck and gives me a kiss on the cheek. This morning she whispered "I love you". Awww my heart.
11/2/13 Didn't sleep last night because July's fever came back and she was up crying. So I finally just brought her to my bed at 4 am. But Eli saw and started crying and almost screaming until I finally calmed her down and got her back to sleep.
11/4/13 I had a little boy aske me, "Can I ask you a question? Why are you so white?"
11/6/13 I scrubbed the bathrooms and also used the matchete to cut grass. So it was a morning with lots of muscles.
10/9/13 I had about a million plates to wash and the house to clean. This morning we slept in a little bit (It's 6:50) which felt so good. Gonna give the kids deworming medication and I'm not looking forward to finding worms in July's basin. Here we go...
10/10/13 Heading to La Paz on Sunday for my visa and were going to stay at Hotel Presidente which totally blessed my socks off which also means... BACON! I could cry from being so happy.
10/17/13 Sometimes I get scared to pray the prayer of "Shatter my expectations." But I know God has greater things for me than I could ever expect let alone imagine. So I pray that God will shatter my expectations and explode my heart with himself and His glory. I am so in need of my Savior. I fail daily and I don't have strength. I am of little fiath. I praise God my salvation has nothing to do with me and everything to do with my Jesus. I am broken and needy. But God loves me and sees me as precious. How amazing this beautiful grace. I am undone by it because I continue to fall short and God continues to forgive and love me.
10/18/13 Andres, Javier, Juanes and Ismael came into my room and all fell asleep with me in my bed. So adorable. Oh I loved that feeling of little ones all piled up.
10/22/13 It rained super hard last night which I absolutely loooove sleeping to. So amazingly beuatiful. Only July wet the bed last night which is awesome.
10/23/13 Woke up this morning singing praise. Oh how beautiful is my Savior and how in need of Him I am. Oh praise His holy name. Now to get Febe to finish her oatmeal in time for school. Let the breakfast war begin.
10/24/13 4 kids who didn't want to obey. A screaming Eli, July who didn't want to eat breakfast, Javier who threw his full cup of oatmeal against the wall and Juanes who got soaked playing with water. It was a few minutes of chaos.
10/25/13 Good morning until Andres pooped all over the floor. Grody. Still raining and I feel like Pooh bear keeping his honeypots dry but I'm keeping 10 kids dry and clothes from getting muddy.
10/30/13 Just woke up Febe and every morning the first thing she does is wrap her arms around my neck and gives me a kiss on the cheek. This morning she whispered "I love you". Awww my heart.
11/2/13 Didn't sleep last night because July's fever came back and she was up crying. So I finally just brought her to my bed at 4 am. But Eli saw and started crying and almost screaming until I finally calmed her down and got her back to sleep.
11/4/13 I had a little boy aske me, "Can I ask you a question? Why are you so white?"
11/6/13 I scrubbed the bathrooms and also used the matchete to cut grass. So it was a morning with lots of muscles.
Lots of love from Bolivia! I will be sharing some more pieces from my journals soon!
~Lily and the kiddos
Monday, October 14, 2013
Smile because were alive
I am in La Paz for a few days to finish up the visa process. It is definitely a process and I am so excited to wrap up all the paperwork!
Sometimes it hits me how crazy my life is. God has brought me so far since I was a little girl wishing for 100 children. His faithfulness and timing is perfect every time.
There are days where my energy is completely used up. I lay all the kids down for bed, give kisses, sing a goodnight song or tell a story, tuck them in again after they go to the bathroom for the 3rd time and then the house is silent. That is when there is still the dinner dishes to wash, school uniforms and lots of little socks to wash by hand, a house to straighten up and clean and lots of older kids who drop by every night to talk. And finally after the last conversation ends, I crawl into bed and am asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.
But I wouldn´t change it for anything.
I want to use up my life loving and serving and LIVING because it is so short.
Was so encouraged skyping my papa the other night as we talked about living JESUS. In every moment we LIVE Christ. Be it brushing little teeth, or folding clothes or just sitting and talking we can glorify God with every moment we have here on this earth.
We are travelers. This world isn´t our home. But we were given this time as a gift. So enjoy your life. Try new things, have adventures and praise God for every new day you are given. Live and use up your life for Jesus.
The kids here make fun of me and tell me that I smile too much. That makes me smile more. I can never smile too much. I want to be filled with joy at each and every thing. Because all I know and all I have and all I am is a gift and a blessing.
Much love from Bolivia,
Lily Fluharty
Saturday, October 5, 2013
What's my life?
I have a day off today. A day to rest and be quiet and hear silence. A day to recharge. A day to rest. Been learning so much about resting. Which makes me smile even writing that because here in Bolivia I am so very busy.
And in all of this I am learning to rest. To rest in God. Because in the midst of all the chaos and the activity I am His and He is mine. I am complete in Christ. I am going to mess up, get frustrated with any number of little things, or respond poorly or lose my patience but I know that I am forgiven. I am loved. And in that love I can rest. And because of that love I can love.
Kiddos to wake up and sometimes bathe, pijamas and dirty sheets to wash, a house to clean, hair to put into little pigtails, breakfast to make, dirty faces to wash, getting them of to Kindergarten, playing and dealing with tiny fights, lunchtime, getting the 2 boys off to Kindergarten, more clothes to wash, fingernails to clip, lice to look for and kill, children to play with and sing with and talk with, a MOUNTAIN of clothes to fold each day (haha this never ends), more children to bathe, eating dinner, singing songs and reading Bible stories, tucking little ones into bed and kissing them goodnight... Then the house to straighten up, dishes to wash, talking and laughing with the other Tia and finally crashing into bed.
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My 5 boys |
It fills me with so much joy! And it also fills me with so much energy to continue loving and serving and living here with my 10 little crazies because I know that each day that I have here is a gift and is part of God's plan for me. So I rest in His plan. I don't have to worry about tomorrow because I know that God will be with me tomorrow!
Isn't that amazing!?
The other night one of the older girls ended up crying to me and told me that she is so tired of feeling alone and lost. As we sat talking I shared with her that God has a plan for her. We don't know what plans God has for us. It could be something big and amazing or something small and simple. We don't have to know the details. But His plan is that we live with Him. We live with Him and FOR Him.
The boys here looooove Lecrae and one of his songs goes "What's my life if it's not praising you?"
I want my life to SING praises to Jesus. Because without Him I am nothing.
Please continue praying for these children! Especially be praying for the older kids!
Much love and blessings from Bolivia!
Saturday, September 21, 2013
I have spent so many moments here in Bolivia.
Some moments, I am filled with joy and want to dance and sing
and I can't stop smiling. The kids here make fun of me because
I smile and when I start smiling I can't stop. There is now the
"Lily smile" here where the kids smile as BIG as they can. :)
There are so many moments where I get jumped on and a little
one gives me a bear hug. I can't tell you how many times I laugh
so hard I want to cry. These children are HILARIOUS. What they
say and think literally makes me laugh so hard my stomach hurts.
A joyful heart is good medicine.
Some moments are hard. When I have 9 little ones running around,
one crying, two arguing, another asking for water please, and five
trying to tell me five different stories all at the same time. There are
times where the little ones have a hard time obeying and they have
melt downs and are stubborn. There are times where I run out of
energy and fall short. There are times where I feel discouraged.
But God is bigger than my shortcomings.
There are moments where I am filled with peace. When I kiss fuzzy
little heads goodnight and they whisper "Tia Lily, I love you" and
won't sleep until they give me a goodnight kiss my heart swells.
When one of the older kids comes to talk and confides in me and my
heart breaks for what they have been through. When Peniel wraps her
little hands around my neck and when July reaches up and tightens my
grip around her little hand. I love these children so much. They very
quickly wiggled their way into my heart.
It will be 2 years in February since I first came to Bolivia. Two years
with children whom God has placed on my heart ever since I was little.
It is amazing to see how He works and leads and prepares us to do His
Please continue praying for these children and also for the staff. It is a lot
of work raising 67 children plus all the children of the staff. Lots of
people in our family. God is so good and I am so amazed as He works
here each new day.
Blessings and love from Bolivia,
Some moments, I am filled with joy and want to dance and sing
and I can't stop smiling. The kids here make fun of me because
I smile and when I start smiling I can't stop. There is now the
"Lily smile" here where the kids smile as BIG as they can. :)
There are so many moments where I get jumped on and a little
one gives me a bear hug. I can't tell you how many times I laugh
so hard I want to cry. These children are HILARIOUS. What they
say and think literally makes me laugh so hard my stomach hurts.
A joyful heart is good medicine.
Some moments are hard. When I have 9 little ones running around,
one crying, two arguing, another asking for water please, and five
trying to tell me five different stories all at the same time. There are
times where the little ones have a hard time obeying and they have
melt downs and are stubborn. There are times where I run out of
energy and fall short. There are times where I feel discouraged.
But God is bigger than my shortcomings.
There are moments where I am filled with peace. When I kiss fuzzy
little heads goodnight and they whisper "Tia Lily, I love you" and
won't sleep until they give me a goodnight kiss my heart swells.
When one of the older kids comes to talk and confides in me and my
heart breaks for what they have been through. When Peniel wraps her
little hands around my neck and when July reaches up and tightens my
grip around her little hand. I love these children so much. They very
quickly wiggled their way into my heart.
It will be 2 years in February since I first came to Bolivia. Two years
with children whom God has placed on my heart ever since I was little.
It is amazing to see how He works and leads and prepares us to do His
Please continue praying for these children and also for the staff. It is a lot
of work raising 67 children plus all the children of the staff. Lots of
people in our family. God is so good and I am so amazed as He works
here each new day.
Blessings and love from Bolivia,
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Precious in His sight
Picture post of 2 of my 9.
Amazing how much these kids wiggle into my heart. Love them!
Be praying for Elisabet. She comes from a very abusive background and is struggling as she learns how to obey and respect others and love. Beautiful girl with a beautiful little heart. May God touch and heal the scars. We are precious in His sight!
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Juanes |
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Elisabet |
Filled with joy
How has over a month passed since I returned to Bolivia???
It's been filled with...
Caring for 9 little ones and loving 67 more!
-early mornings and sleepy faces
-cutting 90 tiny finger and toe nails
-Lots of hugs and kisses each day
-learning how to be patient and laugh
-hearing "Tia Lily" thousands of times each day
-keeping a clean house :) Not easy with little ones
-washing many clothes by hand
-bathing little ones each day
-night time devotions and singing "Jesus loves me" in English
-playing soccer with the older kids
-piojos ;)
-spanish praise music and dancing at night with the kiddos
-the goodnight routine which involves kisses from all my little men
-laughter and me not being able to stop smiling
It has been an amazing month. God is at work here at Casa de Esperanza and I have been blown away at the multiple opportunities to share with the older kids.
God continues to teach me to REST in Him because He has accomplished all things. To rest in His love and joy and to trust His PERFECT plan. Amazed by His goodness to me!
Also welcome to another new little one. Lolina is 4 years old and was living with an elderly grandfather. She cannot walk or talk and we are praying that God would heal her little body. Beautiful smile and beautiful eyes. And the best giggle.
Thank you for your prayers and love! Blessings from Bolivia!
It's been filled with...
Caring for 9 little ones and loving 67 more!
My Bolivian family :) |
-early mornings and sleepy faces
-cutting 90 tiny finger and toe nails
-Lots of hugs and kisses each day
-learning how to be patient and laugh
-hearing "Tia Lily" thousands of times each day
-keeping a clean house :) Not easy with little ones
-washing many clothes by hand
-bathing little ones each day
-night time devotions and singing "Jesus loves me" in English
-playing soccer with the older kids
-piojos ;)
-spanish praise music and dancing at night with the kiddos
-the goodnight routine which involves kisses from all my little men
-laughter and me not being able to stop smiling
It has been an amazing month. God is at work here at Casa de Esperanza and I have been blown away at the multiple opportunities to share with the older kids.
God continues to teach me to REST in Him because He has accomplished all things. To rest in His love and joy and to trust His PERFECT plan. Amazed by His goodness to me!
Also welcome to another new little one. Lolina is 4 years old and was living with an elderly grandfather. She cannot walk or talk and we are praying that God would heal her little body. Beautiful smile and beautiful eyes. And the best giggle.
Thank you for your prayers and love! Blessings from Bolivia!
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Beautiful pain
Two weeks ago I met little July. The newest little one in my house. Two years old with big beautiful eyes. Two days ago, I met her elderly grandfather who stopped by to hug and kiss on July. He asked me over and over again to take good care of her because she is the only thing he has left.
Her story breaks my heart. Her mother was raped and gave birth to little July at the age of 12. Two years later, her mother killed herself. And the grandfather brought little July to Casa de Esperanza knowing that he could not care for her the way she needs to be cared for. His love for his granddaughter amazes me.
Beautiful July is slowly starting to open up. She smiles and laughs more and comes over every few minutes for a hug or a kiss. I love it when she starts singing in her little voice.
When I look at her my heart breaks. It breaks for the young mother that had no hope. It breaks for the grandfather who gave up who was most precious to him so that she could grow and be safe and cared for. My heart breaks for little July who has gone through so much at such a young age.
But I am reminded of God's love for us in all of the pain and hurt. There is much sin in this world but God is with us in it. We only need to cry out to Him. There is HOPE in Jesus. And life.
Just as July's grandfather gave her up, God also gave up His son. He did it for OUR good. So that we could have life and be safe and be cared for. And that no matter what we go through, we are never alone.
It's painful. It's beautiful.
This life isn't easy. There are things that we cannot understand. But we can trust God with them.
Many blessings from Bolivia.
~Lily Fluharty
Wednesday, August 14, 2013
I'm back!
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Andres |
I flew in and jumped right into a taxi where I arrived at church just in time to hear the kids singing and to get tons of hugs and kisses. Peniel just leaned against me and murmured "Tia Lily" over and over.
I moved into the Quinta where I am in charge of 9 kiddos...
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My newest little one- July |
Febe- Just turned 6
It can be a big chaotic but it's amazing to be back. The kids and I are slowly starting to get back into the routine. There were several Tias who came and went when I was in the states so were working towards consistency. With 9 little ones, consistency means God giving lots of grace and patience. But He is soooo good! I don't deserve it.
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The boys being all gangster ;) Samuel, Antonio, Miguel and Carlos |
Friday, August 2, 2013
Here I go!
And here it is... the last blog post in the states...
Casa de Esperanza here I come!
Extremely excited to get back to the kids, a little nervous to travel, sad to leave my family, happy to hear "Tia Lily" so very soon and at rest because I know God is with me through each second.
Excited to see these little faces on Sunday! Plus 62 more!
Please continue to pray as I head out in the morning, travel all day and arrive Sunday morning before jumping on death road and arriving in Caranavi Sunday afternoon.
Casa de Esperanza here I come!
Extremely excited to get back to the kids, a little nervous to travel, sad to leave my family, happy to hear "Tia Lily" so very soon and at rest because I know God is with me through each second.
Excited to see these little faces on Sunday! Plus 62 more!
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Juanes |
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Peniel |
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Lily |
Blessings and love to you all! God is so very good and it is amazing how He leads and open doors. It is all grace!
Much love in Christ,
Lily Fluharty
Thursday, August 1, 2013
In my suitcase...
Heading back to Casa de Esperanza in Caranavi, Bolivia in 2 days.
My room is a mess right now with things to take, things to leave and things I am not sure about yet.
It's usually pretty crazy the packing process.
I'm scared of having my bags overweight.
I'm scared of forgetting something I will NEED in this next year.
But here's a few things that are for SURE going into my suitcase...
My room is a mess right now with things to take, things to leave and things I am not sure about yet.
It's usually pretty crazy the packing process.
I'm scared of having my bags overweight.
I'm scared of forgetting something I will NEED in this next year.
But here's a few things that are for SURE going into my suitcase...
1. Pop rocks
Bringing these down for the kids. They have probably never had something like this.
2. Lucy pants
I love these super comfortable pants that last!
3. Lice comb
Some people get grossed out by this but it's part of living with 65 kids... and it's really not as bad as people say... :)
4. Books in Spanish
So excited to bring down some spanish books for the kids. Thanks to everyone who donated! Such a huge blessing!
Today is packing day and tomorrow is my last full day in the States. Saturday morning I fly out bright and early to arrive in La Paz, Bolivia early Sunday morning. Then it is a 5-6 hour drive on death road to Caranavi. A long day of traveling but well worth it when I get greeted by hugs and hearing "Tia Lily" on Sunday afternoon. Cannot wait.
Love and blessings to you all! Please be praying for all travels to go safely and smoothly and quickly ;)
~Lily Fluharty
Monday, July 29, 2013
I head back
This Saturday I head back.
Head back to 65 beautiful children.
Head back to lots of hugs.
Head back to mountains.
Head back to speaking Spanish.
Head back to kisses.
Head back to tiny smiles.
Head back to hearing "Tia Lily".
Head back to rice and potatoes and more bolivian food.
And on Sunday I will be back.
Been an amazing few months in the States back home with family and friends.
Worshiping at church has been such an encouragement every Sunday. As well
as being amazed as I continue seeing God open door after door.
I am so excited for another opportunity to continue loving these precious children.
Thank you for your support and also for your prayers. I cannot do this alone
and it has been amazing to see God at work. These precious children wiggle deep
down into hearts.
I will have more updates before I leave Saturday morning.
Please be praying for safe travels, that my visa process will go quickly and smoothly
and for more open doors to share God's love with the kids.
Love to you all!
~Lily Fluharty
Head back to 65 beautiful children.
Head back to lots of hugs.
Head back to mountains.
Head back to speaking Spanish.
Head back to kisses.
Head back to tiny smiles.
Head back to hearing "Tia Lily".
Head back to rice and potatoes and more bolivian food.
And on Sunday I will be back.
Been an amazing few months in the States back home with family and friends.
Worshiping at church has been such an encouragement every Sunday. As well
as being amazed as I continue seeing God open door after door.
I am so excited for another opportunity to continue loving these precious children.
Thank you for your support and also for your prayers. I cannot do this alone
and it has been amazing to see God at work. These precious children wiggle deep
down into hearts.
I will have more updates before I leave Saturday morning.
Please be praying for safe travels, that my visa process will go quickly and smoothly
and for more open doors to share God's love with the kids.
Love to you all!
~Lily Fluharty
Monday, July 22, 2013
Missions Video
Here is the missions video that I am so excited about. God is
working mightily and my prayer is that many people would see
this so that their hearts could be filled with a love for these kids.
They are too precious and beautiful to be ignored.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Time is ticking down. I am about to head back to a loooot more time in Bolivia.
It's been crazy not having a set return date. It's a scary thought but at the same time
it's very cool to trust God with His timing and plan.
it to Bolivian time in my mind and picture what everyone is up to. Maybe they are
just waking up or getting ready to eat lunch... and my heart bursts as I think that in
just 16 days I will be there alongside them!
This summer has literally flown by. I feel like I just arrived home and unpacked
and now I am beginning to stick things back in suitcases and checking off the
checklist of things I can't forget to bring.
Every time I check an item off the list I think of a little face that I am closer to seeing.
I miss being called Tia Lily.
I miss singing together at lunch with all the children.
I miss tiny hugs and always having at least one little one on my lap.
I am so excited to see God continue to work.
Love to you all!
It's been crazy not having a set return date. It's a scary thought but at the same time
it's very cool to trust God with His timing and plan.
Miguel Angel |
I look at videos and pictures of the kids and every time I look at the clock I change
it to Bolivian time in my mind and picture what everyone is up to. Maybe they are
just waking up or getting ready to eat lunch... and my heart bursts as I think that in
just 16 days I will be there alongside them!
This summer has literally flown by. I feel like I just arrived home and unpacked
and now I am beginning to stick things back in suitcases and checking off the
checklist of things I can't forget to bring.
Kisses from Juanes |
Every time I check an item off the list I think of a little face that I am closer to seeing.
I miss being called Tia Lily.
I miss singing together at lunch with all the children.
I miss tiny hugs and always having at least one little one on my lap.
I am so excited to see God continue to work.
Love to you all!
Friday, July 12, 2013
3 weeks!
Just got this picture from one of the Tias. It's little Lily who is getting soooo big! I cannot wait to go back and love this little one some more. So precious.
Excited to announce that I have my ticket to Bolivia.
August 3rd!!!
Crazy that I am leaving in 22 days!!! About 3 weeks!!!
Please be praying for me as support comes in, as I pack and bring things back for the kids and staff, for safe travels and for the visa process when I am in Bolivia.
I am so excited to see God work in this year.
Bittersweet leaving. Sad to leave my family for so long but so happy to get back to work and hold and kiss these precious children.
Praising God as doors continue to open and as He provides and answers prayers.
God is amazing. And I am amazed as He gives grace to trust Him!
Oh Praise Him!
Monday, July 8, 2013
1 thing I need.
I don't need much in this world.
Traveling overseas I have realized just how blessed I am and that I don't need "Things" to make me happy. I don't need cute clothes, or new shoes, or food. I don't need to be surrounded by children or friends or family.
The only thing I NEED is Christ Jesus. Because without Him I am nothing.
My blog is called "For the Least of These". I am loving the least because I was one. I was last. But Christ saw me and saved me. And now I am not last in His sight but loved. And it's amazing to think about. To think that these children who are so easily forgotten in this world and loved and valued by God. And our love for God should explode and shower everyone around us.
Christ has accomplished his mission. He has come for us. Died for us. Risen for us. Defeated our sins. And it is finished. And it is beautiful. And it should break out hearts and heal them at the same time.
No more death. No more fear. No more condemnation.
Just Life. Just joy. Just peace.
Because it is just grace. Not what we deserve. And it's beautiful.
The only thing I need in this world is Jesus. And His love and grace and truth.
Traveling overseas I have realized just how blessed I am and that I don't need "Things" to make me happy. I don't need cute clothes, or new shoes, or food. I don't need to be surrounded by children or friends or family.
The only thing I NEED is Christ Jesus. Because without Him I am nothing.
My blog is called "For the Least of These". I am loving the least because I was one. I was last. But Christ saw me and saved me. And now I am not last in His sight but loved. And it's amazing to think about. To think that these children who are so easily forgotten in this world and loved and valued by God. And our love for God should explode and shower everyone around us.
Christ has accomplished his mission. He has come for us. Died for us. Risen for us. Defeated our sins. And it is finished. And it is beautiful. And it should break out hearts and heal them at the same time.
No more death. No more fear. No more condemnation.
Just Life. Just joy. Just peace.
Because it is just grace. Not what we deserve. And it's beautiful.
The only thing I need in this world is Jesus. And His love and grace and truth.
Monday, July 1, 2013
She fills my life with sunshine |
"The place God calls us to is the place where your deep gladness and the worlds deep hunger meet." Frederick beuchner
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Nothing like a beautiful sky and beautiful kids |
I love this quote. I love that God has called me to work at a place where I am excited to wake up every morning. Where I can't stop smiling every day. And every night I hit the pillow exhausted but content. I am crazy blessed.
One of the 14 year old boys asked me once, "Tia Lily, what is your dream?" That question made me laugh. "Honestly," I told him, "I get to live my dream each and every day." He stared at me like I was crazy before he told me, "You should get a better dream."
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Rosemery's the sweetest |
I am in a place of need. And I am in a place where I am deeply happy.
About a month before I head back!!! God has been opening up some amazing doors and opportunities for this next year of ministry. I am so excited to get back to Caranavi and see all the kids. I miss them like crazy.
God bless!!!!!
~Lily Fluharty
Miguel Angel and Peniel |
Saturday, June 22, 2013
I've overcome you world
"And she sings, 'World, I've overcome you world. I've overcome you, world. I've overcome by my song and the blood of a son."
This is by John Mark McMillan. And it is so incredibly encouraging to me. When I get overwhelmed by this world... the pain, the waiting, the sin, the injustice, the death, the sickness... I am reminded that this world is overcome. Defeated. Christ has come to bring joy and patience and forgiveness and justice and life and health to those who trust Him. The world is overcome by HIS blood. And it makes me sing.
This is by John Mark McMillan. And it is so incredibly encouraging to me. When I get overwhelmed by this world... the pain, the waiting, the sin, the injustice, the death, the sickness... I am reminded that this world is overcome. Defeated. Christ has come to bring joy and patience and forgiveness and justice and life and health to those who trust Him. The world is overcome by HIS blood. And it makes me sing.
Friday, June 14, 2013
Their too cute...
Their just too cute! Gotta share some more pics of the cuties who stole my heart!
And gotta start off with the cutest video of the twins and their Karate moves
And gotta start off with the cutest video of the twins and their Karate moves
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Snugglin' with the cutie |
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Balerina Princess Samira |
Cutest grin ever award to LIZBET! |
Roberto is doing a "Lily" smile. He says I smile too big |
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Hanging around waiting for breakfast |
My house!!! Love these kids |
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Can we be done eating now? |
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