Lily's kids

Lily's kids

Saturday, September 21, 2013


I have spent so many moments here in Bolivia.

Some moments, I am filled with joy and want to dance and sing
and I can't stop smiling. The kids here make fun of me because
I smile and when I start smiling I can't stop. There is now the
"Lily smile" here where the kids smile as BIG as they can. :)
There are so many moments where I get jumped on and a little
one gives me a bear hug. I can't tell you how many times I laugh
so hard I want to cry. These children are HILARIOUS. What they
say and think literally makes me laugh so hard my stomach hurts.
A joyful heart is good medicine.

Some moments are hard. When I have 9 little ones running around,
one crying, two arguing, another asking for water please, and five
trying to tell me five different stories all at the same time. There are
times where the little ones have a hard time obeying and they have
melt downs and are stubborn. There are times where I run out of
energy and fall short. There are times where I feel discouraged.
But God is bigger than my shortcomings.

There are moments where I am filled with peace. When I kiss fuzzy
little heads goodnight and they whisper "Tia Lily, I love you" and
won't sleep until they give me a goodnight kiss my heart swells.
When one of the older kids comes to talk and confides in me and my
heart breaks for what they have been through. When Peniel wraps her
little hands around my neck and when July reaches up and tightens my
grip around her little hand. I love these children so much. They very
quickly wiggled their way into my heart.

It will be 2 years in February since I first came to Bolivia. Two years
with children whom God has placed on my heart ever since I was little.
It is amazing to see how He works and leads and prepares us to do His

Please continue praying for these children and also for the staff. It is a lot
of work raising 67 children plus all the children of the staff. Lots of
people in our family. God is so good and I am so amazed as He works
here each new day.

Blessings and love from Bolivia,



Mauricio said...

Gracias Lily por lo que estas haciendo, se que mucha gente no tiene idea de la magnitud de tu trabajo, en cierto modo nosotros entendemos y apreciamos tu amor por ellos. El Señor renueve tu amor por ellos cada dia. Bendiciones!!! Andrea

Thomas Fluharty said...

Lils, SO blessed by the work God is doing in you and through you. I tear up with every one of your posts. May God keep you strong as He uses you for His mighty weapon to punch a huge hole in the darkness! LOVE U~P