Lily's kids

Lily's kids

Saturday, February 15, 2014

2 years in bolivia

Two years in Bolivia.

Two years ago today an 18 year old girl stepped blindly unto Bolivian soil and started an amazing journey.

I never could have imagine how God has lead me in these past two years.

So much has happened and I've grown and learned so much and can't believe God's goodness and faithfulness and love for me in this time called Bolivia.

It's been a pretty crazy two years.

Traveled alone and with my best friend
Learned a new language
Eaten snake, tongue, cow stomach, armadillo, worms and ants
I've become a Tia and mommy to these little ones
I've worked hard and learned how to wash clothes by hand, clean a house even when there is no water, cut up a cow, clean a pigsty, use a machete, cook, walk up and down mountains and so much more.
I've played hard and made goals and swam and gone to waterfalls and rivers
I've laughed and laughed and laughed with these beautiful children.
I have made some amazing friends
I've had a little baby named after me
I've had problems and felt weak and alone and have cried
I have seen God lift me up and give me strength again and again.
I have fallen short and cried our for forgiveness and God has lavished His grace on me.

I have grown so much and God is teaching me that He is my everything. Oh how beautiful is my Savior and His love for me. I don't deserve it. Amazing love how can it be?

Praying that this would be a year where I would continue to be blown away with God's love.
A year filled with joy and boldness.
A year filled with seeking Christ above ALL else.

I want to thank you all for your love and prayers and support over these last two years!!!
I have grown so much from the 18 year old who didn't know Spanish to where God has lead me today.
Thank you for your love for me and also for these precious children.

So much love from Bolivia!!!

~Lily Fluharty

1 comment:

Kristi F. said...

Two years since your Bolivian journey began... You have grown leaps and bounds, Lily! So very grateful for you!