Lily's kids

Lily's kids

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Where is my mama?

Giggles and hugs. Wiggles quickly into everyone’s heart.
How could her mother exchanged her for alcholol?
Now she is treasured and loved beyond words.

We entered this world as our mother left it.
A papa’s uncertain promise to return.
Adventurous brothers through thick and thin.

Left alone, her tiny face eaten away at, a night of torture.
The scars still remain but not the fear.
Smiling, laughing, cherished.

Where is my mama?
This is all he has ever known. 
A new last name, a new family.

Malnourished, forgotten, abandoned.
A mama who doesn’t care and always forgets.
Can someone love me please?

Two weeks old and nowhere to go.
My family was in crisis. They forgot about me.
New home and brothers and sisters.

Eyes dark as night have seen a lifetime of pain in two short years
A smile now breaks the once lifeless face
Trust and hope instead of fear and loneliness.

When you hear the stories, you can’t help not being affected.
When you see their faces, you can’t not do anything.
When you love them, you won’t stop caring.

These are not just stories. These little ones have been through so much.
Her mother was 12 years old when she was born. Two years later she commited suicide.
Her parents fought and left her outside overnight where ants ate away at her face.
He was abandoned with no name or last name.
Her mother tried to sell her for $28. When no one stepped up she exchanged her for alcohol.

Each story is the story of one of the children in my home. I didn’t choose the saddest or most heartwrenching stories from the 70 children living here. The 8 precious babies in my home have pasts that make my heart cry out for justice. Each child here has a story marked with pain. But now they have a new chapter in their story. A chapter of hope and love and truth.

So many times we can't give the answers to their questions. 
Where is my mama?
Why did she leave me?
Why me?
But we can give them different answers.
God loves you and will never leave you. YOU! You are precious and loved.

Please love these children. They search desperately for love. 
Please pray for them! They desperately need Christ.

In Christ who will NEVER leave us,
Lily Fluharty


Thomas Fluharty said...

Im weeping Lils, Wow this is beautiful. I love you so much!!!!~Papa

Kristi F. said...

Beautiful post. Such difficult truth in what you share. You are right, God desires to lavish His love upon each of your little ones at CDE! You are an instrument of His love and mercy, Lily!