There are moments when I don't even have words to comfort these kids.
"My dad is now out of jail. I am so angry at him. He beat me and now I don't even remember what his face looks like."
How do you comfort a twelve year old boy who is still hurting?
How do you share of how God is loving and perfect when this little one has suffered so much in the first eleven years of his life before coming to live here?
God has a plan for you little one. He will never let you go.
"Tia Lily, pray for my mama."
How do you tell a three year old that her mama is gone? How do you explain that her mama, who was just a little girl herself, took her own life?
God loves you beautiful child. He is your Heavenly Father.
It's in the scars and hurt of this world, the deepest darkness that I continually see God's light shining bright.
These children have been rescued out of darkness. They are now in a safe loving home. Yes, there will be struggles and fears and hurt but God has called them out of abusive homes and dangerous situations. They are safe and loved and watched over. They hear of God's love every day and I pray that one day each and every little heart would be broken by the darkness and be filled with God's love and light!
I will fear no evil for God is with me. Our Shepherd. My cup runs over.
SURELY goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever!
Promises like that! What a comfort in the midst of abuse and death and pain and earthquakes and little ones suffering. We have a comforter who LOVES us and RESCUES us from all the death and pain!
Beauty from ashes. Life from death! THAT'S the Jesus we serve!
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