Lily's kids

Lily's kids

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Back home but missing my other home

I'm home!!! I made it home safe and sound on Monday and have slept for hours, ate cookie dough and been enjoying the Minnesota weather. Really missing Caranavi and all my wonderful friends and kids there but know that God is in control over timing. :)
I'll have the whole story of the trip... what I did... who I met... all the kids... food... animals... etc in posts to come but here's a little sneak peek! :)

Beautiful mountains overlooking Caranavi. Our view every morning!

Me and the sweet Sara 


With the one and only Carlos and Rafa

I've learned so much from this trip! I learned basic stuff like how to delouse kids, cooking without recipes, washing poopy cloth diapers by hand, washing loads of clothes by hand, peeling potatoes really fast by hand, learning a new language, cleaning and what it means to take care of 80+ kids...

I also learned that smiles are a universal language
I learned how to ask questions over and over again if I don't understand.
I learned how to laugh at myself. A lot. 
All I have is Christ.

I am so blessed and thankful for these past 3 months spent with Jessa in Caranavi, Bolivia and can't wait to go back (more on this later). God is so good to me and it was amazing to see His faithfulness so visibly and how many prayers He answered and to see Him working in my heart and in the hearts of the kids. Left my heart behind in Bolivia!!!


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