Lily's kids

Lily's kids

Wednesday, December 17, 2014


There are no forgotten children in God’s eyes. This is the story of a little girl who was never even supposed to live at Casa de Esperanza. The orphanage isn’t really qualified to take on special needs children but God had a very different plan. Lolina arrived at Casa de Esperanza a little over a year ago. Her story breaks my heart as she was abandoned by her mother at a very young age and left with her elderly father who had very little economically to raise his tiny daughter. Lolina was neglected and often left in a small cage in the small shack that she shared with her father and was often times left without food or care. Because of the four years of neglect and abuse she suffered, we were told when she arrived that she was severely delayed and will never be able to walk, talk or even feed herself. But God does miracles! After several months of love and care, we all watched in amazement at lunch as she slowly lifted her spoon to her mouth and ate all of her soup by herself. And in the past few months, we all celebrated as she started walking on her own. It has been a beautiful evidence of God’s love and power as we have watched a small abandoned child transform into a beautiful little girl with an infectious smile. We continue to pray that God would continue to work miracles and that soon Lolina would be able to talk and also sing praises to her Heavenly Father! These kids are loved by God!

God bless!!! Much love,
Lily Fluharty

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